Monday, May 18, 2009

Progress Towards 2nd Solo

The show is scheduled 14.10.09 which is about 21 weeks from now. The adrenalin rush creeps in slowly. This last week I was busy with checking out possible venue for my 2nd Art Solo. A few organisations have expressed willingness to allow their buildings/rooms as venue. Seems that venue is not that critical now.

The progress so far:

# Checking world art sites, artist blogger sites, photographer's sites - 70%

#List of songs to be recorded/rehearsed - 10%

#Framing of paintings - 10%

#Conceptual layout of exhibition space - 20%

# Marketing Plan for Exhibition - 20%

# Updating of my relevant blogs for the show - cats (current), floral arrangement (catching up), photography-Bintulu and Kuching (current), landscaping ( catching up), history (behind schedule), poetry (current), eco-farming ( behind schedule)

( Note: Next Review Date : 1 June - 1 July - 1 August - 1 September - 1 October )

Over the many trips to Kuching, I have managed to transport about 14 big paintings from Bintulu, with more to be transported in near future. The above are some of the collections already in Kuching and framed.

Above is CU of my painting in mixed media entitled 'Door of Life' which is inspired from a short poem I wrote in 1974 called - 'Doors of Life '.
Doors of Life

The doors of life are always open

But it is to open our mind and heart

To be self-concious of Life and Existence

That remains a task.

1 comment:

Zuzana said...

Aw, you must feel a lot of excitement about the upcoming exhibition. I can understand it is a mixture of feelings. I am very much looking forward to the updates.
Thank you for your incredible poignant comment yesterday.:)