Thus I finally made it this far. The Doctor of Business Administration programme (DBA) I'm taking right now will last for about 4 years and I'm just past the first semester. For those keen to know about the module and the open university, can have a glance here. I feel much relaxed now that the exams are over. Soon, I'll be driving back to Bintulu and could have some rest there before the next semester start sometime early July. I've been away from Bintulu for almost a month and miss it for its fresh fishes, jungle, farm and gardens.
I have not 're-drafted' myself into academia since 2005 when I completed my MBA with the Curtin University of Technology (Australia), Sarawak Campus in Miri. That too I did part-time over a two years period. Thus from 2006-2008 I was kept busy developing my eco-farm in Bintulu. I have decided to take up the DBA course this year because the farm 'has borne fruits' ( oil palm), literally and materially and thus could assist in financing my studies.
While the oil palm trees are my pension, my penchant for life long learning is a passion that I'll live forever.
I am so impressed by the fact that you are back in school! Never stop learning is a great motto; good luck with the education and congratulations on passing the exam.;))
Thanks Protege, for the encouragement.
Congratulations and all the best for the next stage in your lifelong learning journey!
Thanks Mable. Guess I need all the encouragement :))
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